About Us

Thanks for checking us out!
We are a group of people from multiple Garrys Mod servers, coming together in one place to enjoy movies together!
We are from around the globe, from all different walks of life!
If you are joining new! Welcome! Please keep it chill, and you are welcome to stay!

Rules - This server is mainly for friends.

1- This server is mainly for Friends. Others are welcome, but please keep in mind, if ya cause trouble, Admins AND Members have to right to remove you.

2- Dont break Steam or Garry's Mod TOS. This includes saying slurs, KYS, Harassing, calling for harm, mentions of hacking of account, IP, Game, data, or "Doxing", as well as any form of sexual violence content of any kind, including but not limited to Sprays, Videos, Models, PAC3 models or others.

3- Don't bring Drama here. There is Discord or Twitter. Bring it there. Not here.

4- No hatred. Keep the server fun and friendly. This is a friend server after all.

5- NSFW Content: No NSFW content here on the movie screens. Even if its on YouTube. Rooms can't be rented at this time, so anyone and everyone can join and see. NSFW content on sprays is allowed if in a room, and the spray needs to be marked as NSFW. If you have a PAC3 outfit that is NSFW, it must NOT be worn at all times (Pac glitches and will randomly turn it on), it must be marked as NSFW in PAC3 object settings, and must only be worn behind a closed room door (This means NOT in the lobby, front yard, or the "Big Theater"). Outfitter models are NOT allowed to be NSFW.

6- If there is a problem between you and another user, please try and talk to them first and see if you can resolve it. If not, then please reach out to a staff member.

7- Swamp Cinema's #1 rule. Absolutely no Pedophiles. Applies here.

Other- Please use common sense, I don't want to make a rule for every single thing people could do. Just be cool and chill, and I am sure everything will be fine. I'll add more rules if I need to, but I'd rather not, hah.

Staff - Peeps that keep it going!

---Hyo CheetiBurd (Owner)
---Smiley (Co-Owner)

Chat Commands

This server doesn't use the Context Menu, rather it uses chat commands to access items! Below are commands used on this server to customize your character.

!pony = PPM2 Editor, for editing your pony character if you have one selected!
!player = Allows you to change you Player Model to one you would like!
!spray = Adjust your advanced sprays settings. Allowing pictures, videos and more!
!thirdperson = Allows you to turn ThirdPerson on or off, also allows for custom toggle key.
!pac = Open PAC3 Editor, to allow advanced customization of your character
!outfitter = Allows for using custom character models on the server
!motd = Lets you see the Server Website, which includes the server rules, and help items
!menu = Lets you see a page of options for you to use
!noclip = Lets members and above fly to wherever they want
!goto = Allows Members to go to another player
!votekick = Allows members to kick another player in a vote